
Intellectual Output 1: Literature Review

eAssessment in VET


This literature review has been undertaken in the context of the first Project Report undertaken through the Erasmus+ eAssessment in VET project. The work is focused on  the context of the DigiCompEdu, seeking to characterise and understand the digital capabilities of VET teachers and trainer within the partner countries to use digital technologies for eAssessment

The report involves a literature review, desk research and a survey (questionnaires and interviews) to identify all the competences and skills needed by a VET teacher or trainer for developing and using e-assessment in vocational education and training both in the classroom and workplace.

In 2021 and 2022, the project partners from five countries undertook a literature search, creating a shared literature base in Google Drive. To date the literature base contains links and summaries of 49 items, many academic articles but also reports and videos. While not all are referenced in this summary, we seek to identify the major themes emerging from the literature we have identified.

Assessment plays a crucial role in the education system and has a significant impact on student learning outcomes (Bethany Christian College of Teachers’ Education, Undated) and well as a crucial role in the educational process as it drives improvement, shapes student behavior, and provides accountability to employers and others (Appiah and Tonder, 2018) (Durham Research online, 2007).. The use of technology in assessment, commonly referred to as e-assessment, has revolutionized the way assessment is performed. With the advancement of technology, e-assessment is increasingly becoming a popular and efficient method of evaluating student learning and performance. This short report aims to provide a concise overview of e-assessment, including its drivers, benefits, and challenges and to provide a coverview of the use of ICT in assessment, including the use of technology tools for assessment, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on remote assessments, and the challenges and opportunities that come with the digitization of assessment.

Link to spreadsheet with details here.

Download the full IO 1 Literature review summary here.
