

Rethinking Assessment

There is growing pressure for change in assessment systems in the UK. One of the organisations leading the campaign is Rethinking Assessment. On its website, Rethinking Assessment says its mission is to make the argument for change though case studies, analysis, evidence and thoughtful blogs and to start to provide some workable solutions, practical ideas and approaches that we will pilot in our schools and offer as real alternatives. Last week Rethinking Assessment announced that a group of leading educators, employers, policy experts, academics and politicians have released a joint statement calling for the adoption of a digital learner profile […]

Authentic Assessment

Authentic assessment relates to what students experience in the real world. Instead of testing students’ proficiency in completing tests, authentic assessment methods are designed to assess knowledge and test how students apply that knowledge in real world situations.

Goodbye exams, hullo ePortfolio

There is growing interest in the use of ePortfolios as an alternative to the use of exams for assessment. ePortfolios Are not exactly new. I can remember speaking at conferences and taking part in projects (see More Esteem with with my ePortfolio which developed an online course and guidance material for teachers and trainers in the use of e-portfolios) about this in the early years of the 21st century. Yet as technologies advance, and perhaps more importantly growing reflections and research on the pedagogy of assessment, ePortfolios are returning to the fore. The The Irish Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning […]

AI for marking and feedback

The UK National Centre for AI, hosted through Jisc has announced the third in a series of pilot activities for AI in education. The pilot project being undertaken in partnership with Graide, an EdTech company who have built an AI-based feedback and assessment tool, es designed to help understand how universities could benefit from using AI to support the marking and feedback process. Sue Attewell says: AI-based marking and feedback tools promise the joint benefits of reducing educators’ workloads, whilst improving the quality, quantity, timeliness and/or consistency of feedback received by students. After a positive initial assessment of Graide, we are launching this […]

eAssessment – your help needed with a Survey

Assessment is central to learner motivation as well as providing accreditation. The introduction of different assessment systems has a major impact on education and training processes. In recent years, a new pedagogic paradigm has emerged placing the learner as the central subject in the construction of their own learning. At the same time there is an increasing trend of employers recruiting new staff based on skills and competences, rather than just qualifications. And this period has seen the increasing use of technology for teaching and learning. The affordances provided by digital devices, tools and apps, increase opportunities for the implementation […]

Reimagining assessment

There are encouraging moves to increase access to higher education for students with disabilities. Yet all too often these initiatives are piecemeal with a failure to join up different measures or to address barriers to participation. One such barrier for many students with disabilities is assessment. A new report, "Re-imagining exams: How do assessment adjustments impact on inclusion?" by Joanna Tai, Rola Ajjawi, Margaret Bearman, Joanne Dargusch, Mary Dracup, Lois Harris and Paige Mahoney, and publsished by the National Centre for Student Equity in Nigher Education, in Australia, looks at how "Exams and other high-stakes time-limited assessments can act as […]

Good assessment design is hard

This is a great article by Debbie McVity published towards the end of January in the UK WONKHE online newspaper. Looking at the shift in learning following the Covid 19 move on line, it reports how Sally Brown and Kay Sambell, compiled and share resources in an online...

Aligning learning outcomes with assessment

I stumbled on this site while looking for something completely different (which I still can't find). But stumbles are one of my favorite things about web searching. Any way, this comes from a (not quite finished) web page by Jaclyn Doherty from Lethbridge College, She...

Low Stakes Assessment

I've been doing some searches on assessment lately as part of our work coordinating the European Erasmus+ eAssessment project. If you have any recommendations for me please leave a comment or get in touch. Anyway, I very much like the diagram I found from Impact...

High stakes assessment

Photo by Museums Victoria on Unsplash I have been doing quite a bit of reading this week as part of the eassessment project. I will write some of this up over the weekend. But first a more personal story about assessment. Many years ago – 1971 to be exact – I went to...

About eAssessment

Image by Wokandapix from Pixabay Its summer and we should be on holiday. Yes, I am having a holiday this year. But before I go, we have the first meeting of a new project, eAssessment, funded by the European Union. Below is the project description. If you would like...