by Graham Attwell | Feb 1, 2022 | blog
I stumbled on this site while looking for something completely different (which I still can’t find). But stumbles are one of my favorite things about web searching. Any way, this comes from a (not quite finished) web page by Jaclyn Doherty from Lethbridge...
by Graham Attwell | Dec 5, 2021 | blog
I’ve been doing some searches on assessment lately as part of our work coordinating the European Erasmus+ eAssessment project. If you have any recommendations for me please leave a comment or get in touch. Anyway, I very much like the diagram I found from Impact...
by Graham Attwell | Nov 1, 2021 | blog
Photo by Museums Victoria on Unsplash I have been doing quite a bit of reading this week as part of the eassessment project. I will write some of this up over the weekend. But first a more personal story about assessment. Many years ago – 1971 to be exact – I went to...
by Graham Attwell | Sep 24, 2021 | blog
Image by Wokandapix from Pixabay Its summer and we should be on holiday. Yes, I am having a holiday this year. But before I go, we have the first meeting of a new project, eAssessment, funded by the European Union. Below is the project description. If you would like...