by Graham Attwell | May 4, 2022 | Assessment, blog, teaching and learning
Photo by Rendy Novantino on Unsplash I have been doing a lot of reading about assessment this week as part of the Pontydysgu led Erasmus+ project on eAssessment in Vocational Education and Training. A few quick takes aways from that work, which I am generally...
by Graham Attwell | Apr 27, 2022 | Assessment, blog, eAssessment, Pedagogy
There is growing interest in the use of ePortfolios as an alternative to the use of exams for assessment. ePortfolios Are not exactly new. I can remember speaking at conferences and taking part in projects (see More Esteem with with my ePortfolio which developed an...
by Graham Attwell | Apr 26, 2022 | #AIinEd, AI, AI@School, Artificial Intelligence, blog, eAssessment
The UK National Centre for AI, hosted through Jisc has announced the third in a series of pilot activities for AI in education. The pilot project being undertaken in partnership with Graide, an EdTech company who have built an AI-based feedback and assessment tool, es...
by Graham Attwell | Apr 21, 2022 | blog, eAssessment, teaching and learning, TEL
Photo by Josefa nDiaz on Unsplash Assessment is central to learner motivation as well as providing accreditation. The introduction of different assessment systems has a major impact on education and training processes. In recent years, a new pedagogic paradigm has...
by Graham Attwell | Feb 22, 2022 | Assessment, blog
There are encouraging moves to increase access to higher education for students with disabilities. Yet all too often these initiatives are piecemeal with a failure to join up different measures or to address barriers to participation. One such barrier for many...
by Graham Attwell | Feb 2, 2022 | blog
This is a great article by Debbie McVity published towards the end of January in the UK WONKHE online newspaper. Looking at the shift in learning following the Covid 19 move on line, it reports how Sally Brown and Kay Sambell, compiled and share resources in an online...