Education in Scotland is independent of the UK government in Westminster. And the Scottish government has launched an Independent Review of Qualifications and Assessment in Scotland chaired by Professor Louise Haywood. The interim report was published in March 2023.
It recommends:
The development of enhanced digital infrastructure that will enable the use of digital assessments and will also support learners to gather and present their achievements consistently no matter the educational setting within which they are based. A greater focus on digital assessments will reflect learning itself and for many will link better with the reality of the world of work and further study. The creation of a digital profile will help learners reflect on their learning and will help build a culture of learner choice. This aspect of the proposal could be made easier if Scotland had a national digital infrastructure.
The report also recommends,
• Significant reduction in external assessment, including examinations, across the senior phase.
• A better and more clearly defined integration of academic and vocational qualifications.
• A broadening of the evidence collected during the Senior Phase including school and college partnerships to include skills and other competencies. The qualifications could comprise of three elements – subject, personal pathways and learning in context.