I stumbled on this site while looking for something completely different (which I still can’t find). But stumbles are one of my favorite things about web searching. Any way, this comes from a (not quite finished) web page by Jaclyn Doherty from Lethbridge College, She says:
Universal Design for Learning principles suggest providing learners with multiple ways to interact with content and show what they’ve learned. For example, you could provide learners with the choice to create an infographic, a video or a written essay to explain a concept. As long as the learning outcome still aligns with the type of assessment, the approach learners take to get there shouldn’t matter.
This particular web page is all about using infographics for assessment and provides a walk through of how to do it. But it was the assessment rubric which caught my attention. All too often it is assumed that using technology demands fancy algorithmic rubrics. But it doesn’t have to be so. In fact it may be that the skills and competences to design such simple rubrics is key to using technology for assessment.