

Generative AI, Assessment and the Future of Jobs and Careers

Ten days ago, I was invited to make an online presentation as part of a series on AI for teachers and researchers in Kazakhstan. I talked with the organisers and they asked me if I could speak about AI and Assessment and AI and Careers. Two subjects seemed hard to me but I prepared presentation linking them together and somehow it made sense. The presentation was using a version of Zoom I had not seen before to enable interpretation. My slides were translated into Russian. This was a little stressful as I was changing the slides in Russian online and […]

eAssessment and Generative AI

Yesterday I took part in an EDEN network webinar held as part of Open Education Week 2024 on Rethinking Digital Assessment in the Age of GenAI. This event aimed to provide educators with insights into redesigning digital assessment strategies to meet the challenges and potential posed by GenAI. Also, AI-specific competencies, defined within the AI Pioneers project, were to be be introduced as part of a supplement of the DigCompEdu framework developed by the AI Pioneers Erasmus+ project . The webinar was moderated by Giedrė Tamoliūnė, a lecturer and researcher at Education Academy, Vytautas Magnus University. Orna Farrell, an Associate […]

Context is key to how we implement AI in teaching and learning

Here is the latest in our series of interviews with educators about Artificial Intelligence. About Arunangsu Chatterjee is Professor of Digital Health and Education in the School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Health at the University of Leeds.  He is the Dean of Digital Transformation for the University, responsible for driving forward the delivery of the University’s Digital Transformation strategy, with a particular focus on leading change programmes and projects in digital education, digital research, and digital operations areas. He has academic responsibility for the development of relevant digital transformation programmes, securing academic buy-in to change initiatives and leading […]

Transforming Vocational Education and Training: Harnessing the Power of Digital Assessment

Sad to say the eAssessment in Vocational Education and Training project, funded by the Erasmus+ programme and coordinated by Pontydsgu has come to an end. As far as we know it was the last Erasmus _ research and development project in the UK, with the end of June marking the end of the UKs involvement in the programme. The last piece of work undertaken in the project was to provide a Report and Policy Recommendations. The introduction to the report says how In recent years, the integration of digital technologies has revolutionised various sectors of society, and the field of […]

Getting Digital Assessment Right

There is growing activity around eAssessment, largely driven it appears by concerns over AI and in particular Generative AI and large Language Models. On Thursday 15 June THE is holding a free webinar on the theme of 'Getting Digital Assessment Right.' Issues to be discussed, they say are" Register here for the Webinar.

AI and Assessment

This podcast on AI and assessment was recorded for the Eramus+ eAssessment project. It forms part of an online course including four main sections: The course, hosted on the project Moodle site, is free of charge. Participants are welcome to follow the full course or can dip in and out of the sixteen different units. The podcast discusses the impact of Generative AI and advanced chatbots like ChatGPT and Bing on education and how they are changing the way we assess learning. Below is a transcript of the podcast. Scene 1 In late November 2022, OpenAI dropped ChatGPT, a chatbot that can generate well-structured […]

Free MOOC on eAssessment

The Erasmus+ eAssessment project has launched its Massive Open Online Course and Community of Practice. Open to all, and free to participants, but with particular relevance to those working in vocational education and training, the course gives a comprehensive grounding in digital tools including AI,  and how to use them for assessment and feedback. It comes at a particularity apposite time, with signs of panic in many institutions about the implications of ChatGPT and other Large Language Models for the future of traditional assessment practices. This course is also  a community of practice. Somewhere you can ask questions, share ideas […]

eAssessment in VET course

Today the eAssessment project is launching its Massive Open Online Course and Community of Practice. Open to all but with particular relevance to those working in vocational education and training the course gives a comprehensive grounding in digital tools including AI,  and how to use them for assessment and feedback. This course is also  a community of practice. Somewhere you can ask questions, share ideas and resources and communicate with other like-minded educators. In the final section you will find a forum with discussion and reflection topics related to the course as well as a space to share resources, please […]

Video Killed the Radio Star

Here's Graham Attwell exploring the impact of generative AI and advanced chatbots on assessment for learning. This podcast is an excerpt from the eAssessment in VET course which is set to go live before the end of the month. Watch this space for furth...

More on Generative AI and education

It is hard to keep up with the avalanche of talks, posts, reports and so on about AI and education, sparked by Open AI's release of Chat GPT and then the many tools which have followed. Talking with teachers in different countries in Europe, I am impressed how many seem to have just quietly got on with it, accepting that AI is there and it is important that their students know how to use it properly and sensibly. Having said that, in Italy Chat GPT remains banned, as it is viewed by the government as being in conflict with the […]

Scottish assessment to go digital

Education in Scotland is independent of the UK government in Westminster. And the Scottish government has launched an Independent Review of Qualifications and Assessment in Scotland chaired by Professor Louise Haywood. The interim report was published in March 2023. It recommends: The development of enhanced digital infrastructure that will enable the use of digital assessments and will also support learners to gather and present their achievements consistently no matter the educational setting within which they are based. A greater focus on digital assessments will reflect learning itself and for many will link better with the reality of the world of work […]

Public values are key to efficient education and research

For those of us who have been working on AI in Education it is a bit of a strange time. On the one hand it is not difficult any longer to interest policy makers, managers or teachers and trainers in AI. But on the other hand, at the moment AI seems to be conflated with the hype around Chat GPT. As one senior policy person said to me yesterday: "I hadn't even heard of Generative AI models until two weeks ago." And of course there's a loge more things happening or about to happen on not just the AI side […]

Chat GPT and Assessment

Photo by John Schnobrich on Unsplash In the last few weeks the discussions about technology for education and learning have been dominated by the impact of GPT3 on the future of education - discussion which as Alexandra Mihai characterises in a blog entitled Lets get...

The canary in the coalmine

Image by Michael Gehlert from Pixabay I think my post appealing for a middle space of sanity in the debate over AI and education maybe was a little over optimistic.The hype over the ChatGPT chatbot has only increased, and the debate broadened as the newspapers and...

Changes to assessment in Wales

Photo by Akshay Chauhan on Unsplash Qualifications Wales have published a consultation document on changes to the GCSE exam system. GCSEs are singly subject exams usually taken at the age of 16 and important for progression to training of higher education. The...

eAssessment and pedagogy

As part of the EU Erasmus+ eAssessment project which I have reported about previously on this blog, we are developing a 'toolkit, aimed at supporting teachers and trainers in Europe in innovating with assessment. We have divided up the work between the project partners and I agreed to write the section of eAssessment and pedagogy. I finished the draft this week, with, typically, it taking me twice as long to write as I had expected. This is work in progress and now I am looking for feedback, before it is translated into the five project partner languages and published on […]

Assessment futures

As promised ore on eAssessment. The UK Jisc has launched an interesting project - Assessment futures: What will assessment look like in 2035? As part of this they are running workshops to explore some future scenarios around assessment. There are comprehensive reports of the activity online by Marieke Guy, a Digital Assessment Advisor at University College London, and Paul Bailey who is co-design lead for JISC. There is also access to a Miro Board if you are interested in seeing the work in progress. Perhaps the most important lesson from the first workshop is that If we are going to […]

Vlogging as a alternative to written assessment

I.m going to be writing more about eAssessment this week as I'm developing part of a toolkit for teachers on the subject. One of the bonuses of the increasing interest and critique of traditional assessment approaches is the growing number of examples of new assessment approaches. One dropped into my twitter feed this morning - Hearing the student voice: Vlogging as an alternative to written assessment by Amy Stickels. Amy teaches Philosophy to International Foundation Year students. Foundation Year students were tasked with creating a five-minute vlog on the topic of war, she explains. She goes on to say :the […]

Beyond the Technology: rethinking assessment and feedback

Just a quick follow up to that last post on the Principles of Good Assessment, Jisc have also released a series of podcasts - Beyond the Technology - on rethinking assessment and feedback. Here are links to some earlier editions: Rethinking assessment and feedback - how the landscape is changing Rethinking assessment and feedback - providing personalised feedback at scale Rethinking assessment and feedback - creating a shared vision Rethinking assessment and feedback - unlocking the power of comparison based feedback You can catch up on the latest June edition on the Jisc website.

Principles of good assessment

The UK Jisc have published the latest in a series of reports and examples of good practice around assessment - Principles of good assessment and feedback. This attention reflects the growing pressures for change in assessment practice following the pandemic. As Jisc say: Assessment and feedback forms a significant element of staff and student workload and many studies have shown that students, in higher education, are less satisfied with assessment and feedback than with any other aspect of the experience. Jisc go on to say that although "Previous research found good practice was often difficult to scale up because it […]